The global knowledge platform from surgeons for surgeons.
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Verified videos
Didactic preparation
Latest surgical methods
Career portal
Learning from the leaders
MedYouCate is the global learning platform that showcases the current state of surgical knowledge through curated videos, making it the perfect resource for young surgeons in training as well as for experienced surgeons.
Medical fields
Medical learning platform for everyone:
content creators
future surgeons
hospitals & clinics
Why we are the best platform for medical professionals?
Quality assurance through verified content
Learning from the daily routine of top physicians & institutions
State-of-the-art techniques and equipment
Didactic preparation of all operations
Latest surgical methods
Surgical techniques are explained directly in the operating room
Additional documents and links with background knowledge
On Demand: Learn when and where you want!
Acquire practical knowledge regardless of time and place
Available on all mobile devices and PCs
Continuous updating of content
Certificates for your resume
Documentation and certification of the entire training path
Valuable addition to any CV
Career: find the next job!
Networking between clinics and medical professionals
Useful career planning
Recruitment of young and experienced physicians (worldwide)
Network with medical professionals
Exchange via the MedYouCate network
Formation of a global professional community
Our Medical Advisory Board
These international surgeons trust MedYouCate and are part of the advisory board.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Emmanuel, F.A.C.S.
Salzburg University Hospital
Salzburg, Austria
Dr. Timothy Robin Forgan
Tygerberg Academic Hospital
Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Hermann Kessler, MD, PhD, F.A.C.S., F.A.S.C.R.S.
Max Institute of Laparoscopic, Endoscopic, Bariatric Surgery & Allied Surgical Specialities
Delhi, India
Dr. Bader Al Hadhrami, MD, OMSB, MRCS
The Royal Hospital
Muscat, Oman
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Dr. Magnus Nilsson
Karolinska Institutet
Solna, Sweden
Prof. Dr. med. Johann Pratschke
Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. med Peter Grimminger, FACS, FEBS
University Medical Center
Mainz, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Robert Rosenberg
Kantonsspital Baselland
Liestal, Switzerland
Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Függer
Linz, Austria
Prof. Dr. Matthias Biebl
Linz, Austria
Univ. Prof. Dr. Albert Tuchmann
Secretary General of the Austrian Society of Surgery
Vienna, Austria
The most important questions about our new, visionary platform at a glance.
Why is a MedYouCate video better than a YouTube video?
MedYouCate creates short and concise videos with concentrated background information and the latest video technology. In addition to surgery videos, a course contains a theoretical classification, possible complications during the surgery as well as rehabilitation.
How often are there new videos on MedYouCate?
At least one new MedYouCate Original Production is published every month.
On which devices can I play MedYouCate videos?
The platform is compatible with all end devices and videos can be played, for example, on smartphones, tablets, laptops, or PCs.
What do renowned specialists get out of MedYouCate?
They keep their knowledge up to date, can exchange ideas with top-class colleagues, experience live how they operate and also have the opportunity to use the platform as content creators and receive remuneration. Do you have relevant knowledge and content? Contact us!